When is it recommended to use the EARS module to perform auralization?
The EARS module is a post-processing program that adds the ability to perform auralizations of a room, allowing you to hear how it will sound with the best approximation available in the market.
Acoustic Effect of Areas and Seats
When I enter Audience Areas and/or Listeners Seats, are the seats already considered "occupied" for the mapping calculations? If not - how do I simulate real listeners?
Changing Wall Material for Multiple Faces
How can I quickly switch between materials for a group of Faces? Individually re-assigning each Face to another absorption spectrum is of course one way to go. But switching each Face to a second alternate material is very slow. Is there a better way?
Yes, there is. The easiest way is to define an Object containing all these Faces. After that you can go to the Object's properties sheet and set the Wall Material of all Faces with a single click.
Of course you can also use the method described below.
Delete Items after combining Projects
I built two models in EASE 4.0 and used the command: "Combine Project". It combined the projects, but I can no longer delete items in the project because it says that they are appended to the old file. What does that mean and how can I solve it?
EASE 4.0: This message usually occurs if items to be deleted are still referenced to from within an object. It can be one of the following:
Coverage Cones not showing
My problem is in painting the conic 3-6-9 dB loudspeaker coverage patterns on the seating area. I get the magenta line indicating the aiming angle, but I am not able to turn on the patterns even though the program says the beam patterns are on.
If the Options are shoing 3,6,9 dB Cones ON and the magenta line is visible, check also the currently used frequency under Options, maybe the current band is not valid. Otherwise you should also check if there are really cones with values different from 0° and 180° using the Speakerbase.
Adding Loudspeaker Data Files to the Database
What is the recommended way to add or change a manufacturer's loudspeakers and get into the base. I have the data files on disk but I am unsure how to load them into the manufacturer's data base without interfering the existing data?
Deleting many Listener Seats
When you overpopulate a room with too many listener's seats, is there a way you can globally delete all seats in one easy command?
Go to the Listener Seat Tables (Ctrl+Shift+S) and select the seats you want to delete by dragging the mouse down the left most column. Then go to Edit/Delete Listener Seats. This would waste all the selected seats.
Of course this would work for other items, too.
Activating Items in Project Data
After I activated a loudspeaker in the project data module nothing happens. What did I wrong?
There are two ways to activate items for use:
Invisible Items - How to get them back?
I opened a Vertex property sheet and checkmarked "Invisible". Afterwards the Vertex isn't rendered anymore, so far so good. But now I want the Vertex to appear again, but I can't pick it. How can I get it back?
There are a fistful of possibilities to solve this problem:
Invisible Items are still visible
I opened a Vertex property sheet and checkmarked "Invisible". The problem is, that the Vertex is rendered the same way like before, nothing changed. Is this a programming bug?
Only one checkmark can cause a behaviour like this. In the Options Window/Items Tab (Shortcut: F9) please change (LMB click) the column "Inv." (for invisible items) in the row "Vertices" from "Yes" to "No". This will cause all Vertices which are set invisible not to be rendered.