
Upcoming Events

If you are interested in our company and products, you are welcome to visit us at an upcoming event.

During these events you have the opportunity to check out upcoming software releases, and see some of our measurement and simulation tools in action.

Participation in tradeshows and other events are shown in the list below.


AES New York 2024

Join us at the upcoming AES convention in New York. Take advantage of this opportunity to engage in a professional exchange with us and experience our presentations.
Okt. 8 to 10, 2024

ASA Logo

187th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) - Virtual Meeting

We will be attending the 187th ASA conference in November and will once again be presenting interesting facts from the world of architectural acoustics.
Nov. 18 to 22, 2024


ISE 2025

AFMG will be exhibiting at the ISE 2025 fair in Barcelona, Spain. We look forward to taking this opportunity to give you another insight into our innovative software products and technologies.
Febr. 4 to 7, 2025


InfoComm 2025

AFMG is set to showcase its latest developments at the InfoComm 2025 trade show in Orlando, Florida, USA.
Juni 11 to 13, 2025