EASE 5 - High-resolution EASE GLL data for 22 musical instruments

While a large, high-resolution database is available for most professional loudspeakers and line array systems, high-quality data for natural sound sources is generally difficult to find. Musical instruments are of particular interest for various types of acoustic simulation, especially when considering concert setups and performance spaces.
AFMG's Managing Director, Dr Stefan Feistel, adds:
"We were very pleased and grateful to be able to support the research group in the final step of this great project. These interesting and innovative data sets will be very helpful for many of our users, including acoustical consultants and engineering firms. We invite users and researchers alike to take a close look and contact us with any comments or questions.”
Musical instruments can be used in EASE acoustic simulations as sound sources with directivity data and precise level calibration, allowing users to accurately evaluate acoustic parameters in projects involving live instruments. This high-resolution data is valuable for modeling coverage, optimizing sound reinforcement solutions, and simulating the interaction of musical instruments with room acoustics. It also enables better estimation of microphone placement zones in performance spaces. Moreover, the use of real instrument data from freely available anechoic recordings allows for the creation of high-quality auralizations, enhancing both the realism and accuracy of acoustic simulations.
The GLL data files have been published on AFMG’s website for use in EASE 5, the modern platform for room acoustic simulation and sound system modeling. They are provided free of cost as part of the continuous feature upgrades that AFMG delivers to all EASE 5 users.
Follow the link to find the musical instrument files - they are located under Brands "T"/TU Berlin: EASE 5 Loudspeaker Database
Don't miss out our related paper "Using high-resolution directivity data of musical instruments for acoustic simulation and auralization", paper presented at the 155th AES convention, New York, NY, USA, 25-27th of October 2023