EASE 4 Standard

Version 4.4
EASE 4 Standard

EASE Standard is able to calculate the impulse response at specific locations in the room by using ray tracing algorithms. You can choose to perform geometrical ray tracing calculations based on the deterministic image model or the stochastic ray tracing method. This way you can get a more accurate picture of not only of the performance of a loudspeakers’ system but also of the general behavior of the sound in a room.

This version of EASE provides an intermediate level of calculations for rooms with more complex geometries and uneven distribution of absorbtion. In these cases you would often be expecting local differences in reverberation or audible echoes.

In addition to the benefits available in EASE JR, EASE Standard is helpful:

  • To design sound systems in acoustically challenging venues where not only the reverberant field plays a role, but also strong discrete reflections.
  • When the assumptions of Eyring and Sabine formulas for the calculation of the reverberation time are not met, and thus ray tracing algorithms are recommended.
  • When advanced acoustical evaluations are the focus in order to analyze and solve acoustical problems.
  • For local analysis of reflections in the room in a manner similar to positioning a measurement microphone on site. This enables you to become aware of obstacles that could remain hidden without enhanced investigation.

In order to keep calculation times within acceptable ranges, ray tracing algorithms are usually employed only to calculate the early part of the room’s impulse response. The so-called “statistical tail” is then computed and used for the later part. This approach is generally sufficient for rooms where you would not expect reflections with considerable energy in this later part of the impulse response.

Typical room/venue examples are:
Stadiums and cathedrals (for reflection analyses only)
Auditoriums, lecture halls, traditional churches - In addition to the examples for EASE JR.

  • Complete software program for construction and acoustical simulation of rooms and design of loudspeaker installations used within
  • Easy and quick 3D modeling with parameter-controlled room prototypes
  • Automated generation of standard shapes such as blocks, columns, cupolas, etc.
  • Grouping of elements to form objects for easy multiple usage
  • Open GL 3D rendering
  • Import/export of files in AutoDesk DXF format, as Google SketchUp files or in text format
  • Extensive, detailed loudspeaker database including over 90 manufacturers und more than 3.000 models
  • Realistic simulation of line arrays and steered loudspeaker columns using complex data
  • Large database of wall materials
  • Mapping of all essential acoustic parameters onto freely configurable audience areas and all other surfaces:
    • Direct SPL, total SPL,
    • Early total SPL L7, L50, L80 and defined by user,
    • Direct/reflected sound ratios,
    • Intelligibility STI according to IEC 60268-16:2003 and ALcons,
    • Reverberation time RT, T10, T20, T30,
    • Early Decay Time EDT,
    • Clarity C7, C50, C80 and defined by user,
    • Critical distance,
    • Arrival times, initial time delay gap ITDG,
    • Loudspeaker aiming and loudspeaker coverage overlap
  • All calculations can be done both on the basis of statistical reverberation models according to Eyring/Sabine or measured reverb times as well as by geometrical calculation of room reflexions using raytracing algorithms
  • Extensive raytracing features including "acoustical probe" for detailed investigation of all parameters at any given point in the room
    • Reflectograms
    • Waterfall diagrams
    • Impulse responses
    • Schroeder reverb times
    • Modular transfer functions
    • STI calculations
    • Offline investigation of all data and auralisation of saved files
  • VISION rendering module including lightsource editor and surface editor to produce photorealistic previews
  • Auralisation of direct sound
  • Generation of sound propagation videos within raytracing limits
  • EASE SpeakerLab to generate complex new loudspeaker data files in GLL format including configurable loudspeakers, line arrays, or steerable loudspeaker columns with all their parameters
Version Comparison

Feature / Version EASE JR EASE Standard AURA Module* EARS Module* InfraRed Module**
Extensive databases
Loudspeaker and Wall Material
Complete set of modeling tools      
Architectural Rendering Module
Import and Export
DXF and SKP drawing files
Reverberation Times
Eyring and Sabine
Standard Mappings
Based on Eyring or Sabine Reverberation Times: 
Direct SPL, %AlCons, STI, RaSTI, Pressure Level, Clarity Ratios, Total SPL, D/R Ratio, Critical Distance, Arrival Times, Loudspeaker Overlap, ITD (Initial Time Delay) Gap, Loudspeaker Aiming
Open GL Viewer
Direct Sound Auralization      
Speaker Base, SpeakerLab and Material Base
Entry and creation of Loudspeaker and Wall Material data
Ray Tracing capatibilities      
Ray Tracing Movie module      
Mapping on Room Surfaces      
Local Ray Tracing        
Ray Tracing Impacts
Local reflections study
Local Decay Times
Quick check RT at various spots in the room to verify Accuracy with Eyring and Sabine provided RT times
Mapping with Reflections        
Acoustical Probe
Measurement microphone simulation:
Reflectograms (EFC/ETC displays), Waterfall displays, Pulse Directionality (hedgehog) displays, Schroeder Reverberation Times, Modular Transfer Function, STI Intelligibility Projections, Impulse Response files
Mirror Image
Ray Tracing routine
Feature / Version EASE JR EASE Standard AURA Module* EARS Module* InfraRed Module**
Hybrid Ray Tracing routines
Best approach for high quality calculations at reduced Time
Full multi-threading support
For high speed calculations of impulse responses
64-bit engine
AURA Mapping and AURA Response auralisation results can use all RAM available on 64-bit computers

Calculations according to ISO 3382:
Early Decay Time (EDT), Reverberation Time (T10, T20, T30), Lateral Fraction (LF) & Lateral Fraction Coefficient (LFC), Clarity (C80), Definition (D, C50), Sound Strength (G), Center Time, Echo Criteria for Speech & Music, STI & Articulation Loss

LF and LFC
Lateral Fraction and Lateral Fraction Coefficient
Echograms and Histograms
For detailed investigation of impulse responses
Precise calculations
Consideration of Scattering coefficients
Response files in Ambisonics B-Format        
Full Off-line and Real Time
Different noise signal generation        
Mix diverse sources for auralization
E.g. to simulate effects of masking noises
Binaural Auralization        
Infrared transmitter/modulator database        
S/N investigation        
Cable length effect        

*  Can be combined only with EASE Standard.          ** Can be combined with EASE JR and EASE Standard.

Which version of EASE should I buy - JR, Standard, or Standard + AURA Module ?

In order to assess if a project can be simulated adequately based on the room´s characteristics it is important to know about the different calculation methods used within the different versions of EASE.

AFMG offers three calculation levels within the product family of EASE – the industry standard electro-acoustical simulation software:


EASE JR uses a statistical approach based on Sabine and Eyring formulas for the computation of the reverberation time. 

This method assumes that the sound field inside the room is diffuse. These kinds of sound fields are more commonly encountered in rooms where the absorption is homogeneously distributed over its surfaces, and where its geometry does not propagate concentration of energy in specific directions.

EASE JR is especially helpful:

  • When the project’s focus is the design of sound systems and the evaluation of the system’s performance in the room. In these cases, this calculation method will provide reliable results.
  • For the simulation of the sound system coverage on wide-open areas.
  • For a rough preliminary investigation of more complex rooms to get an initial overview. This can be in the conceptual or preliminary design phase of a project, when you need to weigh the investment of resources as efficiently as possible and need to quickly get a good assessment of the project´s requirements.
  • When the room behaves statistically and its reverberation time can be measured on site to be entered in the program. In these cases you do not need to worry about uncertainties in the selection of the room’s surface materials, or even about the room geometry data.
  • For superficial evaluation of the behavior of early reflections in the room (up to the 3rd reflection order).

This simplified approach requires the least amount of time and data to obtain answers about the room’s acoustics and the performance of a sound system in the room. It can be seen as a good starting point for performing acoustical and electro-acoustical simulations.

With respect to the room entry in EASE JR there are no feature limitations compared to EASE Standard. One can fully enter or import a model with a complex geometry in EASE JR. That is why large consulting offices often use EASE JR to draw models that will then have its full room response calculated on powerful server computers running EASE Standard and the AURA Module.

Typical room examples / use cases are:
Rooms with little absorption and relatively simple shape, or with geometries that do not propagate concentration of acoustical energy such as conference rooms, typical classrooms, and office spaces with little absorption.
Note: The coverage and performance of the sound system itself can be simulated in any room or open areas.


EASE Standard

EASE Standard is able to calculate the impulse response at specific locations in the room by using ray tracing algorithms. You can choose to perform geometrical ray tracing calculations based on the deterministic image model or the stochastic ray tracing method. This way you can get a more accurate picture of not only of the performance of a loudspeakers’ system but also of the general behavior of the sound in a room.

This version of EASE provides an intermediate level of calculations for rooms with more complex geometries and uneven distribution of absorbtion. In these cases you would often be expecting local differences in reverberation or audible echoes.

In addition to the benefits available in EASE JR, EASE Standard is helpful:

  • To design sound systems in acoustically challenging venues where not only the reverberant field plays a role, but also strong discrete reflections.
  • When the assumptions of Eyring and Sabine formulas for the calculation of the reverberation time are not met, and thus ray tracing algorithms are recommended.
  • When advanced acoustical evaluations are the focus in order to analyze and solve acoustical problems.
  • For local analysis of reflections in the room in a manner similar to positioning a measurement microphone on site. This enables you to become aware of obstacles that could remain hidden without enhanced investigation.

In order to keep calculation times within acceptable ranges, ray tracing algorithms are usually employed only to calculate the early part of the room’s impulse response. The so-called “statistical tail” is then computed and used for the later part. This approach is generally sufficient for rooms where you would not expect reflections with considerable energy in this later part of the impulse response.

Typical room/venue examples are:
Stadiums and cathedrals (for reflection analyses only)
Auditoriums, lecture halls, traditional churches - In addition to the examples for EASE JR.


EASE Standard + AURA Module

EASE Standard including the AURA module offers the highest quality of calculations, and is the most flexible simulation solution. AURA is composed of a hybrid ray tracing engine, which uses both: the deterministic image model (cone tracing) and the stochastic ray tracing method. This combination provides the methods needed to perform acoustical simulations for several different types of venues.

In addition to the benefits of the previous versions, EASE Standard including the AURA module is helpful:

  • When your daily work might involve design-projects for venues of different types and shapes.
  • When you are interested in computing acoustic parameters according to the ISO 3382 standard.
  • For more direct comparisons with measurements on site.
  • When a large number of sound sources and surfaces are expected in the project.
  • To obtain very detailed information on the acoustical behavior of a room even if it has a complex 3D shape, a large volume, non-homogeneous distribution of materials, or if a long reverberation time is expected.
  • For precise prediction of STI and other parameters based on reverberation time in such projects AURA is highly recommended.
  • For more realistic simulation of reflections by considering the surface scattering coefficients.
  • To obtain more accurate full room impulse responses for later auralization of the room using the EARS module.

The AURA name is an acronym for Analysis Utility for Room Acoustics. Being a 64-bit module that supports multi-threading, AURA can take the most out of powerful modern CPUs with several cores. The engine considerably reduces the calculation times needed for computing full room impulse responses as compared to classical ray tracing algorithms. It is also able to compute responses with much higher realistic density.

Typical room/venue examples are:
Concert halls, stadiums, train stations, airports, cathedrals - In addition to the examples for EASE JR and EASE Standard.

If you are also interested in the benefits the EARS module offers, you will find helpful information in this FAQ:
When it is recommended to use the EARS module to perform auralization?

No matter what version of EASE you work with - it will help you to:

- Obtain professional data assessment and verification. 
- Explore options and evaluate what works and what does not work.
- Eliminate costly mistakes and reduce installation time.
- Meet the requirements for SPL, STI and other demands with minimum effort.

As with any simulation tool, the key to a relevant result is the understanding of the program and theory and the correct entry of data by the user.

Note: This FAQ should give you a rough overview, so that finding the adequate solution for your projects will be easier. As there is a multitude of rooms and venues with specific characteristics and different requirements, you always need a thorough evaluation in advance.

For an overview of the specific features offered within the different versions of EASE and its modules, please have a look at the EASE - Software Versions and Modules website.

When I purchase EASE 4.4 now - will my investment be credited when I switch to EASE 5?

EASE 4.4 licenses purchased between October 04, 2022 and September 19, 2023 can be exchanged for an EASE 5 license with the same feature level* upon request. This exchange will be free of charge. You will receive an EASE 5 license with a time limit of 2 years.

This option is available until December 31, 2023.

With the availability of EASE 5 Second Edition since September 19, 2023, this exchange option is no longer offered. Nonetheless, your investment is honored as you may upgrade to EASE 5 at the reduced renewal pricing if you wish to switch to the new platform.


* EASE 4 JR -> EASE 5 JR
  EASE 4 Standard -> EASE 5 Standard
  EASE 4 Standard + AURA Module -> EASE 5 Pro
  EASE 4 Standard + EARS Module -> EASE 5 Pro
  EASE 4 Standard + AURA Module + EARS Module -> EASE 5 Pro


End of support EASE 4

EASE 5 has been released in October 2022 and replaces the predecessor software EASE 4.

The support for all EASE 4 licenses purchased before March 12, 2018 will end on September 30, 2025.*

This includes the following AFMG services:

  • Technical Support
    • E-mail support
    • Telephone support
  • Software Maintenance
    • Bugfixes for the software
    • Adaptations of the software in the event of changes to the current operating systems
  • Other Services
    • Transfer of license ownership
    • Updates of the EASE 4 loudspeaker database (limited support starting September 19, 2023)

All users are offered an upgrade pricing when switching to EASE 5.
Please visit our EASE 5 website to get detailed information about the new software and your options for a smooth transition.

*This does not apply if feature upgrades including the AURA and EARS modules have been purchased for this license after March 12, 2018.


EASE 4 Standard


EASE 4 Standard

Simulation Software License, 1 User Key
The End User License Agreement for EASE 4 applies.

2.900 EUR (net)
Purchase Options

AFMG® distributes its software directly, worldwide, and in some countries with the support of international distributors. Various purchase options are available:


By clicking the Add to Cart button in the price list below you will be transferred to the AFMG Online Store.


To request written quotes or for any sales-related questions please contact us directly.


If you are looking for pre-sales support in your language or local purchasing options, please check our Distributor´s Network.


Educational institutions can apply for special Educational or Research License Offers.

Please note that AFMG's general terms and conditions govern all purchases from us.

If you can only purchase based on your company's terms and conditions, this FAQ provides an overview of possible alternatives.

Upgrade Note

If you purchase an upgrade or module for only a subset of User Keys, we will split your license. Your existing license will remain with a reduced number of User Keys. You will receive an additional new license with the new feature scope for the respective number of User Keys.

General Terms & Conditions

English | Deutsch

General Terms and Conditions of AFMG Technologies GmbH

1. Scope

1.1   The following Terms and Conditions apply to all contracts of AFMG Technologies GmbH (“Software Developer”) relating to sales, maintenance, installation and other services. They also take precedence over any conflicting terms and conditions of the customer, except where the validity of the latter has been expressly approved.

1.2   Separate contracts, each independent of the other, shall be drawn up regulating the production of software, the provision of coaching and training, support and maintenance for the software, and other services.

1.3   Business relations are entered into only with companies, legal entities incorporated under public law or specialised entities subject to public law. Business dealings are not entered into with customers - natural persons - who are not self-employed or otherwise trading on their own account.

2. Conclusion of contract

2.1   Orders via the online shop of the software developer located at http://store.afmg.eu are placed in the following way: The customer may initiate a purchasing contract covering the items in his shopping trolley by clicking “Pay Now”. This is only possible, however, if he has first accepted these Terms and Conditions by clicking “Accept Terms and Conditions”, thereby linking the Terms to his order. The confirmation of receipt, which AFMG will send immediately and which will contain all the details of the order, does not imply acceptance of the initiated purchasing contract. The purchasing contract is deemed entered into when AFMG dispatches the ordered goods and confirms the dispatch in writing.

2.2   In respect of other services offered by the software developer, including products available through channels other than the online shop, a contract is not deemed entered into until the customer has countersigned the confirmation of contract, the wording of which determines the substance of the contract.

3. Scope of software contracts; licensing conditions

3.1   The software developer will provide the customer with a copy of the purchased software by email or FTP or as a download from the internet address http://downloads.afmg.eu and also with the relevant electronic manual as a PDF, HTML or DOC document. These are intended exclusively for the personal use of the customer. The software developer retains all copyright, in particular rights to all recordings and documentation.

3.2   The customer may also order a duplicate CD for back-up or archiving purposes or for the identification of defects. The replication of recordings or documentation is prohibited.

3.3   The customer must take the necessary measures to prevent third parties from gaining unauthorised access to the software. He must store the software in a secure location that precludes such access. The customer’s employees and colleagues are to be familiarised with the terms of this contract and with the software developer’s ownership of copyright.

3.4   Barring agreements to the contrary, this contract does not cover installation of the software supplied by the software developer.

3.5   The customer may only use a copy of the software on a single computer. Where the customer purchases a multiple-use version, he may use the agreed number of copies on the appropriate number of computers. “Use” encompasses the saving of the software in a temporary storage medium (RAM) or on a permanent storage device (in particular on a hard drive, removable disk, USB stick or CD-ROM).

3.6   The customer may not lease or lend the licence. This restriction includes ceding the licence to a third party with whom he shares office space. If there is transfer to a third party the whole software contract must be transferred, not simply the licence. The third party must accept that the provisions of the contract still apply and the customer will then provide the new party with all copies and back-ups of the programme and the digital manual as a working copy together with any back-ups. In so doing, he forfeits his right to use the software and must de-install the software from his system.

3.7   The transfer of the contract to a third party is valid only if the software developer has been informed in advance and has consen­ted to the transfer in writing. Only in exceptional cases and with good reason will he withhold consent.

3.8   Pursuant to § 69 e UrhG the software supplied by the software developer may not be reconverted, decompiled or disassembled. Modifications to the software are only permissible if they help to correct defects in the software and if the software developer has not corrected said defects within a statutory period.

4. Support and maintenance

4.1   Support and maintenance for the software are provided on the basis of a maintenance contract.

4.2   Maintenance covers the services expressly listed in the confirmation of the order. The minimum level of maintenance involves a hotline service centre, the automated provision of large and medium-sized updates, remote diagnosis and maintenance and an online service for providing interim releases.

4.3   Maintenance services relate exclusively to software produced by the software developer. If the customer sells this software, the software developer is no longer obliged to provide support and maintenance. The   developer will repay to the customer a portion of the fee representing the unused period up to the end of the contract, but only if he has been able to save costs or to make money by providing the services to another party.

4.4   Should the customer fall behind on payment the software developer is entitled to withhold support or maintenance until payments are up-to-date and to demand payment in advance.

5. Other services

5.1   The software developer provides other services to the customer. These will include installation of the software where this has been agreed in writing. Up-to-date information on fees for additional services is available from the software developer. The customer undertakes to bear any costs incurred by the software developer in the course of providing these services, where the costs have been discussed in advance.

6. Prices, conditions of payment, dispatch and delivery

6.1   Prices are as set out on the latest list compiled by the software developer and are exclusive of VAT, postage/packaging and insurance. All sums invoiced are payable immediately. Interest is payable on arrears and is set at 8% above the basic rate pursuant to § 247 BGB.

6.2   Set-off is only admissible in the case of claims that are uncontested, are contested but ready for decision or have been declared final and absolute. The customer has no rights of retention where they are unrelated to this contractual relationship. In exercising a right of retention, the customer may not retain a sum higher than that of his own claim.

6.3   In the case of an online purchase, and where the software developer receives the customer’s order direct, the software will be made available to the customer within three working days of receipt of the order. Where payment in advance is required, delivery will be made only after payment has been received in full by the software developer.

6.4   In all other cases (with offline orders or where a CD or other physical item has been ordered) delivery will be within three weeks unless otherwise specified in the confirmation of contract. The delivery period begins on the day of confirmation of contract. The software developer will enter the date on the confirmation.

6.5   Should the software developer be prevented by unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances from complying with his delivery obligations, the delivery period shall be extended commensurately. Where this is the case, the software developer will inform the customer without delay. The date for determining whether the delivery deadline has been met is the date of dispatch of goods.

6.6   Where the software developer is accountable for failing to honour a delivery deadline the customer may extend the deadline by an appropriate period. Only when this extension period has elapsed without delivery being made can he withdraw from the contract.

6.7   Responsibility for the software is transferred to the customer at the moment when the goods are entrusted by the software developer to the postal service, courier or haulier.

7. Reservation of title

7.1   The software developer retains ownership of all data storage media and other goods until payment has been received in full of all sums outstanding at the time of supply of goods relating to this contract between the customer and the software developer. It is the duty of the customer to diligently safeguard and adequately insure all products that remain the property of the software developer.

7.2   The software is supplied free of third-party property rights. Should a third party accuse the customer of infringing his industrial property rights in respect of the software supplied, the customer must notify the software developer immediately. The two contracting parties will then consult on how to respond.

8. Claims arising from defective goods

8.1   The customer undertakes to examine the software and the associated manual for defects within two weeks of receipt, and in particular to ensure that no components are missing, that the manual is complete and that all the key features of the programme function as they should. Before a third week has elapsed the customer should have notified the software developer, in writing, of any defects identified and any problems that can be identified in the course of a regular inspection. Notification should include a detailed description of all faults. Should the customer fail to examine the goods and report defects within the said period, the software is deemed to be faultless and the transaction to have been approved.

8.2   Should steps have to be taken by the software company to correct a defect, it is the responsibility of the customer to back up important files prior to repair works being carried out.

8.3   The customer is not entitled to claim compensation for defects arising from mistakes caused by damage, incorrect connections or incorrect operation. Neither is the software developer liable for damage resulting from modifications to the goods and services by the customer or third parties, unless the customer can demonstrate that said modifications do not seriously impede the software developer in his efforts to analyse and correct the problem and that the defect was already present when the customer took possession of the software.

8.4   Should the customer withdraw from the contract, he shall pay to the software developer an appropriate fee reflecting his usage of the software up to the date of withdrawal. This user fee is calculated on the basis of a three-year depreciation period.

8.5   Claims arising from defects are subject to a statute of limitations of one year, starting from delivery of goods.

8.6   The software developer is liable for defects in the software pursuant to the law governing the sale of goods:

9. Limitation of liability

9.1   The software developer is fully liable for loss of life, bodily harm or compromised health resulting from negligence and breach of obligations on his part or from deliberate or negligent breach of obligations by one of his agents or assistants.

9.2   In the case of other liability claims the software developer shall be fully liable only where the software is found not to possess the advertised features and functions or where it can be demonstrated that the software developer or his agents or key employees are guilty of premeditation or gross negligence. Where the fault can be attributed to other assistants or lower-echelon employees the software developer shall be liable only in respect of ordinary negligence as set out in Point 6.4.

9.3   In respect of ordinary negligence the software developer is liable only where he is in breach of an obligation whose observance is of special importance for the fulfilment of the purpose of the contract (cardinal obligation).

9.4   Barring invocation of Point 9.1, liability for loss of data is limited to the standard cost of recovery that would have been incurred in the course of regular backing up of data commensurate with the risk of loss. Liability as set out in the Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungs­gesetz) remains unaffected.

9.5   The above provisions also apply in favour of the colleagues and assistants of the software developer.

10. Final provisions

10.1   Contracts between the software developer and the customer are interpreted exclusively in accordance with the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

10.2   Place of fulfilment for both parties is the office of the software developer in Berlin. Berlin is also the legal venue.

10.3   In a case where one or more provisions agreed on by the contracting parties become, or are found to be, invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. An invalid provision shall be replaced by one that most nearly reflects the purpose of the original provision as intended by the contracting parties. If the provisions of this contract are found not to cover all eventualities, the lacuna is to be filled with a provision or provisions that the parties would have agreed on if full account had been taken of the legal position, the matter at hand and the legitimate interests of each party.


Version: 1.3
Berlin, December 1, 2021

Additional Sales Terms

Additional Sales Terms

  • Prices do not include VAT. Depending on the origin of the customer and the type of product, VAT might be charged in addition to the net price.

  • Valid prices at any time are the ones listed in this document. Other, possibly older printouts, prices cached in search engines, outdated proposals etc. are not applicable.

  • All prices are subject to change without prior notice.

  • At any time, the price provided in Euro (€) is valid. Prices provided in other currencies are approximate and provided for rough orientation only.

  • In principle, only one discount can be applied to any purchase.

  • If authorities in the land of the customer's origin or the customer himself demand original documents in paper form, the customer accepts additional courier costs of 60 EUR within the EU or of 120 EUR per shipment outside of the EU. These costs need to be paid by the customer prior to shipment and will be noted as a separate line item on the final invoice. If the customer decides to employ his own forwarder, only the costs for the original document (30 EUR) apply.

  • If you purchase an upgrade or module for only a subset of User Keys, we will split your license. Your existing license will remain with a reduced number of User Keys. You will receive an additional new license with the new feature scope for the respective number of User Keys. Does not apply for EASE 5 (1 User per license).

  • Certain license-related services, updating of company data in licensed programs, transfer of licenses etc. may be possible at a service charge of 50 € net.

  • Delivery principally is by download from our website. After settlement of payment and credit entry, you will receive an email with your license information.

  • Manuals and/or tutorials are included in the online help and documentation of the programs.

  • All paid software licenses include 6 months of email and telephone support for installation, licensing, or technical software issues as part of the purchase. This service does not apply to trial or educational licenses. Project consulting services are not part of the software purchase.

  • Most of our software, manuals and tutorials are provided in english language only.

  • Installation CDs/DVDs and manuals/tutorials can be ordered separately and at extra cost if desired. Delivery may be by an external service partner of AFMG.

  • Educational institutions such as schools or universities can apply for special educational or research license offers.


EASE 4 - End User License Agreement


AFMG is a worldwide leader in the development of software for the pro-audio industry. AFMG has developed, amongst other programs, and is the sole owner of, the Software EASE, currently available in its version 4.4. (hereinafter the “Software”). The EASE software suite provides sound system designers and acoustic consultants with a set of tools for all aspects of professional practice, from detailed, realistic modeling and simulation of venue acoustics and sound system performance to informative and engaging client presentations, as well as professional data assessment and verification. The Software is provided by AFMG or authorized distribution partners (AFMG’s “Partners”).

This end user license agreement (“Agreement”) governs the legal relationship between AFMG Technologies GmbH, Borkumstr. 2, 13189 Berlin, Germany (“AFMG”), and the commercial end user of the Software (“User”). As AFMG does not sell the Software to private end users, this Agreement does not apply to those. By downloading the Software from AFMG’s or its authorized Partners’ websites, the User unconditionally accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


1.    Subject of the Agreement

1.1.    AFMG provides the Software for download from its web portal available at http://downloads.afmg.eu. AFMG provides the User with the number of user keys purchased by the User. Each user key purchased by the User (“User Key”) allows for the User to use the Software on one (1) computer at a time while the installation on several computers is allowed.

1.2.    The establishment and maintenance of a functional hardware and software environment is the sole responsibility of the User. The minimum system requirement for the installation of the Software is Windows 7.

1.3.    AFMG does not provide and has no obligation to provide the User with the source code of the Software.

1.4.    The User shall observe all instructions provided by AFMG for the installation and operation of the Software.


2.    Granting of Rights

2.1.    AFMG grants the User a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable and non-transferable right for the term of this Agreement to use the Software on a number of computers only. This number corresponds to the number of User Keys purchased from AFMG or AFMG’s Partners.

2.2.    Reproduction of the Software is only permitted insofar as it is necessary for use of the Software in compliance with this Agreement. The User may produce backup copies of the Software as is necessary and in keeping with good practice. Backup copies on removable data storage media must be labeled as such and must bear all copyright and proprietary notices.

2.3.    The User is not authorized to change, adapt, arrange or otherwise modify the Software unless expressly allowed under the applicable copyright law or upon prior written consent by AFMG.

2.4.    The User must not transfer or sublicense the Software to third parties without prior written consent by AFMG.

2.5.    AFMG remains the sole owner of all rights in and to the Software and reserves all rights not granted to the User under this Agreement.


3.    Technical Support and Maintenance Updates

3.1.    AFMG shall provide the following technical support services (“Technical Support”) to the User:

•    E-mail support within AFMG’s regular business hours;
•    Telephone support within AFMG’s regular business hours;

Technical Support shall be provided for a period of six (6) months after the date of purchase of the Software.

3.2.    Furthermore, AFMG shall provide the following maintenance support services (“Maintenance Updates”) to the User:

•    Bugfixes for the Software;
•    Adaptations of the Software in the event of changes to the current operating systems;

The scope and provision of Maintenance Updates lies in the sole discretion of AFMG. Maintenance Updates should be provided unless terminated by AFMG. AFMG will notify the User at least one (1) year prior to the termination of Maintenance Updates.

3.3.    Technical Support and Maintenance Updates shall be provided by AFMG free of charge.

3.4.    AFMG is entitled to terminate the provision of support services for good cause. In this event, AFMG shall notify the User about the termination. With the termination of the support services, all rights to use the Software and/or the Upgrade (see Section 4) shall immediately cease and the User is no longer entitled to use the Software and/or the Upgrade.


4.    Major Upgrade (EASE Version 5) - Only applicable for licenses purchased from March 18, 2018 until October 04, 2022

4.1.    Every purchase of the Software after March 12, 2018 and before October 04, 2022 and every purchase of additional User Keys for the Software after March 12, 2018 and before October 04, 2022 includes a free license for EASE Version 5 for each purchased User Key.

4.2.    The free license of EASE 5-SE will be delivered on request and can be downloaded from AFMG’s web portal. New EULA and DPP for EASE 5-SE apply.


5.    Prices

5.1.    The fees to be paid by the User to AFMG and details regarding the available packages are specified in the price list in the version applicable at the date of the conclusion of this Agreement. The price list is available on AFMG’s website at https://www.afmg.eu/purchase.

5.2.    AFMG shall provide the Software after prepayment by the User. AFMG shall provide the respective download link by e-mail generally within two (2) business days.


6.    Limitations of liability

6.1.    AFMG shall not be liable for any claims for damages or any claims for reimbursement of wasted expenses, regardless of the type of violation involved and regardless of the legal grounds, except:

a)    In cases of damage from injury to life, body or health due to negligent breach of duty by AFMG or intentional or negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or a person used to perform an obligation of AFMG;
b)    In cases of other damage arising from a grossly negligent breach of duty by AFMG or from an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or a person used to perform an obligation of AFMG;
c)    In cases involving personal injuries or damages recoverable under the German Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungsgesetz), where liability shall be governed by applicable law, regardless of default.

6.2.    Except as provided in Section 6.1. above, AFMG shall not be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, financial losses of any kind.


7.    Indemnification

7.1.    The User shall fully indemnify AFMG from all third party claims, which arise from any illegal, culpable use of the Software by the User. This includes in particular patent claims, copyright claims or other commercial intellectual property right claims as well as claims arising from a violation of personal rights or from the unauthorized collection, storage and application of personal data. The User will indemnify and hold harmless AFMG from all legal fees reasonably incurred by AFMG that are attributable to any such claim.

7.2.    In the event the User learns or must learn that the infringement of such right is imminent, the User shall immediately inform AFMG.


8.    Trademarks

Unless otherwise agreed between the parties in writing, the User shall only use AFMG’s trademarks in accordance with AFMG’s Trademark Guidelines which can be accessed on AFMG’s website at https://www.afmg.eu/trademarks.


9.    Jurisdiction, Governing law, final provisions

9.1.    Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction in Berlin, Germany.

9.2.    This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Germany. For the avoidance of doubt, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) does not apply.

9.3.    This Agreement reflects the entire agreement between the parties. The parties have entered into no oral or written collateral agreements with respect to the subject matter hereof. Any terms and conditions of the User do not apply. For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly agreed between the parties that this Agreement shall prevail over any terms and conditions used or referred to by the User.

9.4.    If any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected thereby. Any invalid provision shall, to the extent permitted by law, be replaced by such valid provision as most closely reflects the commercial intent and purpose of the original provision. The forgoing shall apply respectively if any provision shall have been inadvertently omitted from this Agreement.

Version: 1.3
Berlin, September 18, 2023

AFMG Technologies GmbH Company Data

AFMG Technologies GmbH
Borkumstr. 2
13189 Berlin

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Wolfgang Ahnert
Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Feistel
Registered at:
Berlin-Charlottenburg    HRB 115012 B
VAT-ID:    DE261093044