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Digitally Steered Columns: Comparison of Different Products by Measurement and Simulation (Paper)
Acoustic modeling and designing of emergency sound systems in road tunnels (Paper)
Sound Reinforcement Engineering: Fundamentals and Practice (Book)
GLL Loudspeaker Data Format (White paper)
Modeling of Loudspeaker Systems Using High-Resolution Data (Paper)
Methods and Limitations of Line Source Simulation (Paper)
Show your scattering coefficients (Paper)
Speech intelligibility prediction in very large sacral venues (Paper)
Merging EASE for sound reinforcement systems and CAESAR for room acoustics (Paper)
What is the necessary level of detail for an acoustic model? (Presentation)
Simulation versus measurement of acoustical banners (Presentation)
Acoustic Modelling – Basics (Book)
ISO 3382-1:2009 (Standard)
Auralization: fundamentals of acoustics, modelling, simulation, algorithms and acoustic virtual reality (Book)
Acoustic feedback considerations in simulations of sound systems in rooms (Paper)
IEC 60268-16:2020 (Standard)
New Data Format to Describe Complex Sound Sources (Paper)
Using high-resolution directivity data of musical instruments for acoustic simulation and auralization (Paper)
Optimizing Speech Intelligibility in Practical Applications using State-of-the-Art Acoustic Simulation Tools (Paper)
Validation and optimization of immersive sound reinforcement concepts using acoustic simulation tools (Paper)
Numerical optimization of sound coverage and speech intelligibility of sound reinforcement solutions (Paper)
Sound immission modeling of open-air sound systems (Paper)