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AFMG Licensing System
AFMG Download Portal: License Management and Software Updates
AFMG TeamViewer
AFMG Licensing Model
Upgrade Microsoft Windows with an AFMG Software program installed
EASE 4 - Software & Hardware Requirements
EASE SpeakerLab & EASE GLL Viewer Upgrade History
We are a loudspeaker company. Do you have measurement guidelines for creating loudspeaker data files in GLL format?
GLL Loudspeaker Data Format (White paper)
EASE SpeakerLab User’s Guide
How can I keep my User Key when I upgrade Windows or my operating system or exchange my hardware?
How can I purchase without my company's T&Cs?
Error Message: FAK not registered
Installation and Licensing EASE SpeakerLab
How do I use my User Keys with multiple computers?
How to Handle User Key Download and How to Resolve Issues
Modeling of Loudspeaker Systems Using High-Resolution Data (Paper)
Methods and Limitations of Line Source Simulation (Paper)
New Data Format to Describe Complex Sound Sources (Paper)
Using high-resolution directivity data of musical instruments for acoustic simulation and auralization (Paper)