Ahnert Feistel Media Group

Located in Berlin, Germany, AFMG® Technologies GmbH has created the industry standards EASE and EASERA software for acoustic simulation and measurement as well as their related products EASE Focus, AFMG SysTune, EASE Address and EASE SpeakerLab.

In cooperation with our partner company SDA Software Design Ahnert GmbH we develop and distribute software for:

Electro-acoustic and
room-acoustic modeling
Electronic and acoustic
Applications in
engineering and physics
RF and infrared
  • Jannik Enders

    "EASE 5 is a big step forward. The completely new user interface combined with lots of useful tools and further improved simulation modules allow for much more intuitive and effective workflows."

    Jannik Enders, Akustik Bureau Dresden
  • Jeroen Geraerts

    “We are currently using EASE 4 in our company and I must say I'm very happy with the changes in EASE 5. The workflow is much faster and more intuitive.”

    Jeroen Geraerts , Solufak BV
  • Luis Pique

    “EASE 5 provides swift simulation preparation, seamless integration with SketchUp, and visually stunning results, which make it perfect for creating high-quality reports. Its user-friendly design ensures a seamless experience for beginners and professionals, making it a valuable asset for your acoustic simulation needs.”

    Luis Pique, PK and Associates LTD
  • Brad Lyons

    “EASE 5 is a game changer offering easy to use, intuitive tools and modern workflows. Not only is the ability to import a 3D DWG into EASE 5 out of Vectorworks Spotlight a huge time-saver, but it keeps the consistency throughout all of my engineering programs and allows me to deliver stunning visual content of acoustics and loudspeakers analysis alike, in both 2D and 3D, that every one of my clients can easily understand.“

    Brad Lyons, HOWAVL
  • Maxence Castelain

    “Thanks to the AFMG Team for being “agile” with this new version of EASE. It’s reassuring to see that AFMG is taking the user’s feedback into account and continuously upgrades its software with top voted remarks. There has been a lot of new upgrades in few months since the first version that I get, and everything is going on the good direction!”

    Maxence Castelain , Arbane Group
  • Janko headshot

    “Congratulations to the AFMG team for excellent work on EASE 5 so far! The new technology and approach is highly appreciated, visualization and UX is great!”

    Janko Vodopija, MODO d.o.o.
  • M. Ziska, Graner Partner Ingenieure GmbH

    “EASE 5 makes it easy to create audience areas and align loudspeakers. You can easily orientate yourself in the model at any time, which not only helps when working on the project but also enables a clear presentation for customers.”

    Melanie Ziska, Acoustics engineer
  • Benedikt Kühne

    “We’re happy to rely on EASE 5 as efficient tool for standard-conform STI and RT calculations. This is how we support the technical planners and architects in an efficient and cost-saving way.”

    Benedikt Kühle, Ingenieurbüro Ostendorf & Partner GmbH & Co. KG
  • Kylan Bowden

    “EASE 5 greatly simplifies the process of creating and navigating around a 3D model. I was able to quickly learn the new interface and create predictions to help us design a system, and help the customer visualize the end-product.”

    Kylan Bowden, Canfield Systems Inc.

Reinstall Room symmetry

Q: After I completed my project on a symmetrical base I had to modify it again. I released the symmetry to allow the new data to be entered. As a result of the calculations I found it necessary to include some more symmetrical walls. So I reinstalled the symmetry. My problem is, all of the faces and other items seem to appear twice. Is this a program bug?

What is Ease Room?

Help on Ease Room - Edit Project Data / Case Data / Cluster Data

Ease Room is a module of EASE 4.0/3.0 that allows you to insert and modify buildings (eg. rooms, studios, stadiums), loudspeaker cases, loudspeaker clusters, furniture (like chairs, tables) and room parts (like columns, balconys, windows) in a wireframe view.
As a basic module of Ease it is used in many different ways:

How do I fix “Face Mismatch or Hole in Room”

After clicking Check Data [F5], or attempting to Save Project Data [F6], I receive the following message:

"Face Mismatch or Hole in Room.
Use Check Holes to get detailed information."

What does this mean and how do I solve this problem?

This is a sign that your room model has geometry problems, the so-called “holes”. Holes are the result of violating one or more conventions of EASE and they need to be fixed before you can go on and perform simulations.

I am trying to save/open an EASE project on my network and get "Run-time error '75', Path/File access error". How do I fix this problem?

This error is the result of trying to save an EASE project to a network location that contains a double backslash ("\\") in the path name. To avoid the problem, please use "Map network drive" in Windows Explorer to first map the desired network folder as a hard drive on the local computer. The EASE project can then be saved to or opened from the mapped hard drive on the local computer.

Running EASE seems to be causing AutoCAD (from Autodesk) to want to run its installation routine. How do I correct this?

If running EASE always causes Autodesk AutoCAD (or a related product) to run its installation routine, this is most likely an indication that the installation of AutoCAD was somehow corrupted and needs to be repaired.  To correct this problem please go to the Windows Control Panel, choose Programs and Features, then click on Autodesk AutoCAD (or the related product) to perform a repair or reinstall.

AURA Simulation Parameters - what should I use when?

AURA is a highly sophisticated room-acoustic module. It has been integrated into EASE, based on the CAESAR software from Aachen University. It can be considered as consisting of two different engines. One method is utilized for highly accurate auralisations at selected receiver positions, it is called AURA Response. The other one is less precise but much faster and therefore allows for the calculation at many points, that means AURA Mapping.

Can you give a brief overview of what EASE is and what it can do for me?

EASE is a software that allows the creation of a 3D acoustic model of a room and a sound system within a room.

First the geometric data for the room is entered, then data for the acoustic absorption of the materials that are on the walls and other surfaces. From this, reverberation times and other acoustic parameters can be computed, and the model can be used to test various modifications that might be made to the acoustics.

Has EASE been verified or certified and does AFMG implement quality assurance programs for software development?

AFMG develops software on the current state-of-the-art level.

EASE’s algorithms have repeatedly been tested to perform as intended. Sufficient proof has been published in renowned magazines and textbooks. For example, the latest paper addressing speech intelligibility can be found here: http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=16985