Ahnert Feistel Media Group

Located in Berlin, Germany, AFMG® Technologies GmbH has created the industry standards EASE and EASERA software for acoustic simulation and measurement as well as their related products EASE Focus, AFMG SysTune, EASE Address and EASE SpeakerLab.

In cooperation with our partner company SDA Software Design Ahnert GmbH we develop and distribute software for:

Electro-acoustic and
room-acoustic modeling
Electronic and acoustic
Applications in
engineering and physics
RF and infrared
  • Jannik Enders

    "EASE 5 is a big step forward. The completely new user interface combined with lots of useful tools and further improved simulation modules allow for much more intuitive and effective workflows."

    Jannik Enders, Akustik Bureau Dresden
  • Jeroen Geraerts

    “We are currently using EASE 4 in our company and I must say I'm very happy with the changes in EASE 5. The workflow is much faster and more intuitive.”

    Jeroen Geraerts , Solufak BV
  • Luis Pique

    “EASE 5 provides swift simulation preparation, seamless integration with SketchUp, and visually stunning results, which make it perfect for creating high-quality reports. Its user-friendly design ensures a seamless experience for beginners and professionals, making it a valuable asset for your acoustic simulation needs.”

    Luis Pique, PK and Associates LTD
  • Brad Lyons

    “EASE 5 is a game changer offering easy to use, intuitive tools and modern workflows. Not only is the ability to import a 3D DWG into EASE 5 out of Vectorworks Spotlight a huge time-saver, but it keeps the consistency throughout all of my engineering programs and allows me to deliver stunning visual content of acoustics and loudspeakers analysis alike, in both 2D and 3D, that every one of my clients can easily understand.“

    Brad Lyons, HOWAVL
  • Maxence Castelain

    “Thanks to the AFMG Team for being “agile” with this new version of EASE. It’s reassuring to see that AFMG is taking the user’s feedback into account and continuously upgrades its software with top voted remarks. There has been a lot of new upgrades in few months since the first version that I get, and everything is going on the good direction!”

    Maxence Castelain , Arbane Group
  • Janko headshot

    “Congratulations to the AFMG team for excellent work on EASE 5 so far! The new technology and approach is highly appreciated, visualization and UX is great!”

    Janko Vodopija, MODO d.o.o.
  • M. Ziska, Graner Partner Ingenieure GmbH

    “EASE 5 makes it easy to create audience areas and align loudspeakers. You can easily orientate yourself in the model at any time, which not only helps when working on the project but also enables a clear presentation for customers.”

    Melanie Ziska, Acoustics engineer
  • Benedikt Kühne

    “We’re happy to rely on EASE 5 as efficient tool for standard-conform STI and RT calculations. This is how we support the technical planners and architects in an efficient and cost-saving way.”

    Benedikt Kühle, Ingenieurbüro Ostendorf & Partner GmbH & Co. KG
  • Kylan Bowden

    “EASE 5 greatly simplifies the process of creating and navigating around a 3D model. I was able to quickly learn the new interface and create predictions to help us design a system, and help the customer visualize the end-product.”

    Kylan Bowden, Canfield Systems Inc.

Lake Convolver not convolving?

When I convolve my FIR filter file with a wav file as the source and play it thru my speakers, the EARS convolver gives me what I would expect, and the Lake sounds like just the source (input) wav file.

Switch on [x] Convolve in the FIR Filter Frame. If off, Lake works as player. The EARS convolver sets this switch itself. Does the peak level indicator go to color? If not, you are in play mode

Lake Convolver in the Background

The audio playback using the Lake Convolver is muted whenever the focus changes to another window. It returns when the focus is returned to the convolver DB.

Yes, the Lake convolver strictly needs an open and active window. You can relax the problem with 'Ears/Utilities/Auto Foreground' on. Then EARS pulls back the focus automatically after you have clicked somewhere else.

Level and Delay for Mixing Files

I have produced different WAV files by the Lake convolver for further processing with the Ears WAV Mixer. How can I get their proper SPL and delay values?

The Lake convolver is designed for real-time listening. For manipulation of convolved signals we recommend the use of the EARS convolver. It automatically produces WAV files with proper level and delay information.

Changing Wall Material for Multiple Faces

How can I quickly switch between materials for a group of Faces? Individually re-assigning each Face to another absorption spectrum is of course one way to go. But switching each Face to a second alternate material is very slow. Is there a better way?

Yes, there is. The easiest way is to define an Object containing all these Faces. After that you can go to the Object's properties sheet and set the Wall Material of all Faces with a single click.
Of course you can also use the method described below.

Delete Items after combining Projects

I built two models in EASE 4.0 and used the command: "Combine Project". It combined the projects, but I can no longer delete items in the project because it says that they are appended to the old file. What does that mean and how can I solve it?

EASE 4.0: This message usually occurs if items to be deleted are still referenced to from within an object. It can be one of the following:

Coverage Cones not showing

My problem is in painting the conic 3-6-9 dB loudspeaker coverage patterns on the seating area. I get the magenta line indicating the aiming angle, but I am not able to turn on the patterns even though the program says the beam patterns are on.

If the Options are shoing 3,6,9 dB Cones ON and the magenta line is visible, check also the currently used frequency under Options, maybe the current band is not valid. Otherwise you should also check if there are really cones with values different from 0° and 180° using the Speakerbase.